You’re not alone. We’re here for you.

Whether you’re trying to figure out how to respond to an antisemitic incident, hoping to connect to your supportive Jewish community on campus, or just need to talk with someone who gets it, we’ve got you covered. Our resources are designed to provide you with the tools you need to stand strong, find community, and take action with confidence.

Reach Out
Need Help Now?

Reach out to these trusted sources any time, 24/7. They’re free and confidential.

Report an Incident

Antisemitism and hate have no place on campus. When you are affected by these kinds of incidents, we know it’s crucial to get support immediately. Report an incident quickly here.

Did You Just Experience Antisemitism?

Unsure about what you’ve experienced? This tool can help you identify antisemitism and determine your next steps to get support.

Know Your Rights

Every college student, no matter who they are, what they care about, or how they identify, has the right to safety and security on campus.

We’ve Got Your Back.

Your Jewish community on campus is here for you, no matter what. Whether you’re wondering who to talk to on campus, looking to help a friend, or in need of help yourself, we’ve got you covered.